Exploring the Influence of Field-Based Learning Experiences on the Professional Development of Pre-Service Teachers
John Robby O. Robinos | Chollo B. Daque | Via Claire V. Dipad | Kristine Joy T. Gunda | Margarita T. Sevilla | Justine P. Salaysay
Discipline: Education
This study investigates the impact of field-based teaching experiences on the professional development of 110 randomly selected pre-service teachers at a Philippine State University in Binan City, Laguna, Philippines. Utilizing an inferential quantitative research design, the study employed a researchers-made survey questionnaire that was validated and tested for reliability (Ca = 0.92), distributed via Google Forms, and analyzed through mean and Pearson “r” coefficient correlation. The findings revealed that field-based experiences were implemented very well (M = 3.844), with students generally rating their professional growth as very high (M = 3.816). Furthermore, calculated correlation analysis indicated a strong positive significant relationship [r(108) = 0.891, p = 0.0000] between field-based experiences and professional development. The study concluded that these field experiences significantly enhance students' practical understanding, confidence, instructional and assessment skills, and commitment to life-long learning. Recommendations include the strict implementation of practice teaching processes, the establishment of evaluation mechanisms for continuous improvement, and further research to investigate differences across fields of specialization and types of higher education institutions.
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