Exploring Flexible Learning Experiences
Jovita Espineda-Villanueva
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
Flexible learning is a popular mode of learning in this 21st century since it allows flexibility in almost all aspects of the teaching and learning process. The study explored the flexible learning experiences of college students enrolled in the school year 2022-2023. The focus were in terms of internet connection, communication, confer-encing platform, online teaching strategies, assessment of learning, student participation and submission of requirements. Results re-vealed that internet connection is a problem as they engaged in flex-ible learning modality since most of the activities related to flexible learning uses internet. Indeed flexible learning is a struggle to many students. The study made use of mixed method as its research de-sign. After considering several literature about flexible learning, a survey questionnaire was drafted and eventually validated by ex-perts prior to its distribution to the respondents via google form. The data gathered for the quantitative part were treated using weighted mean and a 5 point Likert Scale was used. A corresponding verbal interpretation of 5 Always, 4 Often, 3 Sometimes, 2 Seldom and -1 Never was also used. Weighted mean was used to treat gath-ered data. Likewise, an unstructured interview about the challenges encountered in flexible learning was also conducted through online via conferencing platforms Qualitative data gathered from inter-views were treated using thematic analysis. Result of the study will serve as basis to an intervention program to address concerns on flexible learning.
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