Merhama M. Sammah | Fatima Sheirene M. Marajuli | Ronnie H. Sammah | Nedzfa A. Ahajani
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
This study focused on the positive impact of the Patikul Extension Program of MSU-Sulu College of Agriculture on the enrolled students residing within the boundaries of Patikul Mu-nicipality. Specifically, the study assessed the impacts of the program in three areas: Socio-Cultural, Economic, and Environmental aspects. To gather the necessary data, the researchers used a self-devised structured survey questionnaire, which underwent a reliability test. The questionnaire consisted of two parts. The first part determined the profile of the respondents using the quantitative descriptive method of frequency distribution. The second part assessed the impact of the program through selected questions, with the data analyzed using weighted means and inferential statistics. A one-way ANOVA was employed to examine the significant differences in the re-sponses across different respondent profiles. Results showed that most of the respondents were 25 years old or older, female, first-year students, and residents of Patikul, Sulu, aged 21 or above. In terms of impact, the Socio-Cultural aspect had a weighted mean of 4.58, interpreted as "Strongly Agree"; the Economic aspect had a weighted mean of 4.42, interpreted as "Agree"; and the Environmental aspect had a weighted mean of 4.46, interpreted as "Agree." Regarding significant differences, the responses on the Socio-Cultural, Economic, and Environmental impacts of the Patikul Extension Program varied across the profiles, with the results being mostly significant according to the one-way ANOVA test. Based on these findings, the researchers recommend the con-tinuous development of the program through faculty develop-ment, additional facilities, and laboratory improvements, as well as conducting further studies on the impact of faculty de-velopment on the stakeholders of the institution.