HomeWorld Education Connect Multidisciplinary E-Publicationvol. 4 no. 1 (2024)

Parental Involvement And Academic Performance Of Grade 10 Students In Social Science

Meann Joy B. Cadalin | Julius Michael G. Labro

Discipline: Education



This descriptive-correlational study investigated if there is relationship between the parental involvement and academic performances of Grade 10 Students in Social Science of TNHS. The subjects of this study were the parents of the Grade 10 students at Taft National High School. A validated questionnaire was developed to collect relevant data for this study. The questionnaire utilized in this study is the Parental Involvement Questionnaire by Mejia et al. (2009). This parental involvement questionnaire was a 21-item scale that was designed to gather information about the nature and level of parents' participation in their child's school and academic work. Each factor was good to acceptable, with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.91 for the whole questionnaire. The data gathering procedure was done through an online survey utilizing google form and hard copies for those who cannot access it online. The results show that it is not just parental involvement that is important, but the perception of parents on the impact of their involvement which matters. Thus, it is important to educate parents understand the important role they play in the lives of their children and devise a plan for providing parents an opportunity to perceive the level and its effect of their involvement, which in turn will enhance parental involvement.


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