HomeWorld Education Connect Multidisciplinary E-Publicationvol. 4 no. 1 (2024)

Clinical Supervision Practices And Challenges Of Secondary School Heads In Guimba District

Hershey M. Lacambra

Discipline: Education



Quality education is one of the seventeen interlinked objectives found in the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Undeniably, it is also the battle cry of all educational institutions. The graduates are the living proofs whether an educational institution embodied quality in delivering education or not. This will circle back to the way teachers teach and give instructions inside the classroom, whether physical or virtual. Neophyte teachers tend to need more nurturing for them to be more efficient in teaching. The statement goes also to the seasoned teachers who refuse innovation. Albeit proficient and experienced teachers still have something to work on to get better for educational trends never cease to emerge and problems are also evolving. Clinical supervision is the term used to the process of giving technical assistance to the teachers inside the classroom coming from their respective school heads which may include master teachers.


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