Utilizing IOT and Geospatial Analytics for Sustainable Fisheries Management
Epifelward Niño Amora | Jovelyn C Cuizon
Discipline: Information Technology
This study developed a software application that integrates Internet of
Things (IoT) devices and weather data to visualize prime fishing locations
using advanced spatial data techniques. The application features a dashboard
that processes and displays real-time data, providing insights into fishing
trends, fisherman activities, boat locations, and environmental conditions.
The application uses the Graham scan method to generate a GIS grid heatmap
for visualizing fish populations and trends, enhancing fisheries management
capabilities. Comprehensive testing and refinement ensured the application's
usability and adaptability. The results demonstrated high user satisfaction, with
a 91% rating in usability and accuracy. The Graham Scan method successfully
mapped fishing zones, achieving a 97.96% overlap in spatial-temporal data
analysis, proving essential for data-driven decision-making in sustainable
fisheries management.
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