HomeDangal Research Refereed Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2024)

Exploring Chemical Literacy of Grade 11 Senior High School STEM Students of University of Cabuyao, S.Y. 2022-2023

Jonard A. Navarez

Discipline: Education



Chemistry is one of the specialized subjects in the Academic Track - Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics strand. It aims at developing scientific literacy among learners that will prepare them to be informed and active citizens capable of making judgments and decisions regarding the application of scientific knowledge that has impacts on their social, health, and environmental aspects. The respondents are Grade 11 because the researcher conducted this research at the end of 2nd semester of their Grade 11 in which they had already completed the Chemistry Course. The goal of this study was to assess the chemical literacy of G11 STEM students at the University of Cabuyao for the school year 2022-2023. It also determined the weaknesses of the students in the different domains of chemical literacy: nominal, functional, conceptual, and multidimensional. This study used a quantitative method as the research design. Data were collected using a questionnaire developed by Shwartz, Ben-Zvi, and Hofstein (2005). The result for nominal literacy showed that the participants have moderately high familiarity with all the chemical terms commonly used in general chemistry subjects. On the other hand, the participants’ functional, conceptual, and multidimensional literacy were limited as their responses were interpreted as partially correct answers. The recommendation was deduced based on the result to serve as the basis for improvement, particularly teaching instructions and content of General Chemistry 1. As such, there is a need to provide a longer period in laboratory and experimental activities. The recommendation for educators, administrators, Senior High School Teachers, and STEM faculty is to collaborate and provide a standardized process for the revision of the curriculum to be implemented during classroom instruction. Revision of the curriculum and improvement in classroom instruction and assessment, should also be monitored.


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