HomeWorld Education Connect Multidisciplinary E-Publicationvol. 4 no. 1 (2024)

Social Media And University Students’ Perceived Improvement In Academic Performance: A Correlation Study On Usage Dynamics Perception

Erika L. Maceda | Yanna Grace L. Rivera | Alirose A. Lalosa

Discipline: Education



This study investigates the intricate relationship between university students' social media usage and academic performance. Investigating the socio-demographic profile, including gender and program of study, the research delves into the usage dynamics—examining platform preferences, frequency, duration, and modes of engagement. The study also analyzes students' perceptions of how social media impacts academic improvement in education. Differences in usage dynamics across demographics are assessed, and the study investigates the significant relationship between academic performance and perceived improvements from social media engagement. Utilizing a descriptive correlational approach, the research aims to offer nuanced insights for educators, students, and policymakers navigating the intersection of digital technology and academic pursuits. Results show that a majority of respondents express a consensus on the positive influence of social media use for educational, entertainment, and social purposes on their academic performance. Gender, as indicated by the findings, does not significantly influence the frequency of social media access or the duration of usage. This challenges stereotypical notions regarding gender differences in online behavior, emphasizing the need to approach social media dynamics without preconceived biases.


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