HomeiCONNECT Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2025)

COSY: An Ordering Web Application System For School Canteens

Jethro Cyrus Babasa | Kyra Monica Fornolles | Edmarc John Marcos | Christian Raymond Zalameda

Discipline: software engineering



Canteen Ordering System (stylized as “COSY”) is an online ordering web application that aims to provide iACADEMY students and staff a platform to effortlessly make orders or transactions and ensure maximum efficiency with their break times. The problem experienced by iACADEMY students and staff in a school setting was managing their time and choosing a food stall where speed is valued with limited time. The goal of this capstone project is to solve just that. The online ordering web application works in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS). It is a system where the clients, primarily schools, will get a website to manage their campuses' businesses or food stalls. To achieve this, the proponents have utilized cloud-based services and technologies to implement the features and deployment of the online web application. The researchers also conducted meetings, surveys, and collaborations with the chairperson and iACADEMY students to align the project's goal with their expectations and needs.


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