HomeiCONNECT Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2025)

SWSB: Smart Waste Sorting Bin

Roberto Paolo Aldaba III | Jade Daniel Corpuz | Lance Monton | Pio Tapas III | Christian Raymond Zalameda

Discipline: software engineering



Smart Waste Sorting Bin (SWSB) is a device that aims to help in the segregation of recyclable materials. It will help users identify which can be accepted in the bin. To achieve this, the researchers have made a TinyML application that will decide whether the object detected is for the bin or not. SWSB-web is an online web application that serves as a way to check the current state of the bin and its logs. It is also used to assign a person who would be responsible for the bin to clean it whenever it is full or if there is an error. This was achieved with the use of Firebase and its various features such as the Firestore database, Firebase Authentication, and Gmail’s free-to-access SMTP server. During beta testing, the project received feedback from three respondents which provided a basic understanding of the community's basic reaction to the device and web application. Along with this, there were also suggestions for improvements that will aid the researchers in further improving the system's design. With this, the researchers concluded that the proposed system is useful and will be liked by the users.


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