HomeiCONNECT Multidisciplinary Research Journalvol. 2 no. 1 (2025)

IWAS ISKEMYA: An Entertainingly Informative Video Series Educating Filipino Generation X’ers About The Lifestyle Risks And Local Solutions To Ischemic Heart Disease

Maria Christie Angelika Buenaventura | Hannah Kathleen Felix | Andrea Montenegro | Joel Banzil

Discipline: others in creative arts and design



For the past decade, Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD) has been the leading cause of death worldwide— garnering over 8.9 million deaths in 2019 and in the Philippines- causing 18.6% of all recorded deaths from January to July of 2022. Smoking, an unhealthy diet, a sedentary lifestyle, gender, and old age are among the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors that can increase one’s chances of acquiring IHD. Studies state that risks increase as a person ages, with males being more at risk at an earlier age. Additionally, lower middle-income class citizens are reported to spend only 2.5% of their annual income on health needs. With these in mind, the researchers hypothesize that an appropriate understanding of IHD, its risks, preventions, and local solutions must be relayed to those with high risks of procuring it — that is, lower middle-class, Filipino male Generation X'ers. This study educates audiences about IHD through an online video series published on YouTube and Facebook. Featuring interviews with local experts, animations, documentary-style montages, and an entertaining host, viewers were introduced to the disease through 3 episodes, from its incidence to its risks and local solutions. The series was posted on February 1st of 2023, Philippine National Heart Month. It has garnered over 50,000 total views and 100,000 target audiences reached within ten (10) days of its release. Ownership and use of the episodes have also been given to the Philippine Heart Center for educational purposes.


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