HomeScience Asia Reviewvol. 9 no. 1 (2024)

Lived Experiences of Student Nurses on the Outcomes-Based Education of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum

Lila Mae A. Miranda

Discipline: nursing (non-specific)



This study aimed to explore the students' Lived experiences of Student Nurses on the Outcomes-based Education of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum in one of the nursing colleges in Zamboanga City. Moreover, it aimed to unravel the experiences, challenges, and difficulties of student nurses in the new nursing curriculum. An open-ended, semi-structured interview guide was used to gather the data. The interview questions relate to students' experiences in the Outcomes-based Curriculum. The study utilized Colaizzi's seven-step method to analyze, seek, recognize, relate, and portray the experiences of BSN students and interpret them. The ten transcripts yielded two-hundred forty (240) significant statements, twenty (20) formulated meanings, sixteen (16) clusters of themes, and five (5) emergent themes. These themes are 1. facets of adaptation, 2. students’ coping strategies, 3. self-realization of the challenges to the nursing curriculum, 4. academic struggle, and 5. teaching and clinical supervision. The implications drawn from the results and discussion were 1. There is a gap in the student's learning in the new BSN curriculum regarding their comprehension and the implementation of the course subject; 2. Student nurses' resiliency is evident in coping with the course curriculum; 3. Schedules and time of RLE and classes are hectic, making students overwhelmed; 4. Task work accumulates students' time to comply; 5. Student acclimation from senior high to freshman in nursing is evident; 6. Significant other's guidance and support are essential for the coping of student nurses; 7. Student nurses displayed optimism and a positive mindset on their RLE performance and professional subject lecture-discussion.


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