HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 10 (2024)

Experiences of Secondary Science Teachers in the Early Stage of Post-Pandemic Education

Jeralyn Denura | Jonel Caparoso

Discipline: Education



After the ravage of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Philippine educational system is now squirming slowly but steadily in welcoming the new days of its aftermath. As education flounders back to face-to-face learning, this qualitative study explored teachers’ experiences in the early stage of post-pandemic education utilizing Colaizzi’s phenomenological data analysis. The in-depth interviews with the participants revealed three themes with five sub-themes namely; contrasting teaching pedagogy, deteriorating academic achievement, and behavioral challenges. The sub-themes include teaching in MDL is monotonous while face-to-face is boundless, substandard learning transfer and significant learning gap, declining reading skills, academic dishonesty, and apathy among learners. Regardless of the number of years of teaching, all the participants concede that MDL has brought more negative effects than positive ones in students’ academic performance. Recommendations are highlighted which include enhancement activities to bridge the learning gap, especially on the alarming number of non-readers; redefining assessment to eliminate academic dishonesty; harnessing new acquired skills in using educational apps and learning management systems; and support from the government in solving longstanding educational inequities that are unearthed during the pandemic.


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