HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 10 (2024)

Parental Financial Involvements and Students’ Academic Motivation in the New Normal Mode of Learning

Cherry Mujanna Rose Baconguis | Courtney Acevedo

Discipline: Education



The new normal education has required students to have technological needs and resources; hence this research study was conducted to determine the levels of parental financial involvements students received from their parents, levels of students’ academic motivation, and the relationship of parental financial involvements on students’ academic motivation. Descriptive correlational design, and quantitative methodology, specifically the usage of measures of central tendency, was employed in determining the objectives of the study. Fifty-eight (58) graduating students taking up BSE Major in Sciences were purposively selected using non- probability sampling method as the participants of the study. Results showed that, participants received a high level of parental financial involvements from their parents with a mean score of 2.33 which suggested that parents had financially supported their students. Furthermore, the study found out that participants showed high level of motivation to all constructs of academic motivation with a mean score of 1.73. More specifically, the participants were highly career and grade motivated with a mean score of 2.88 and 2.87 respectively, than being intrinsically motivated and self-determined. Finally, the study found out that, Parental Financial Involvements moderately correlated on BSE Sciences 4 Academic Motivation with a Pearson’s r value of .032. Furthermore, the two variables has significant relationship with a p-value of .011 less than the critical value.


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