Demystifying the Reverberation of School Peers on Student’s Scholastic Performance
Isabelle Genine Teaño | Thea Tanya Concepcion | Princess Nathalie Dolor | Blessie Allana Sunga | Aica Denice Perez | Juan Raphael Manalastas | Amielle Pauline Cruz | Earllyn Alarilla | John Louise M. Marcaida
Discipline: Education
This study aims to identify and understand the implications of school peer influence on learners' education of the
Senior High School students of a higher educational institution residing in the City of San Fernando, Pampanga,
Philippines. The data are collected from 75 students from the overall population of 308 students of the Academic
Track - Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS) strand enrolled in the academic year 2023-2024. A quantitative
research approach is employed in this study to facilitate an in-depth interpretation and analysis of the objective data
to understand further the influence of school peers on the academic success of the learners. Further, the descriptive
type of quantitative research is utilized, as quantitative descriptions are presented using descriptive statistics. The
results of the study pointed to a concentration of respondents in the 80-89 General Weighted Average (GWA) range,
demonstrating that a considerable proportion of the students performed academically in this range. The conformity of
companions has contributed to learning choices such as study routines and educational objectives. It ought to be
recommended that educational institutions set up strategies or programs that encourage an anticipatory approach to
social engagement learning, motivating students to participate in academic and extracurricular endeavors, per the
results of student lethargy.
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