HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 10 (2024)

Users’ Experience Study on the Learning Management System of a Higher Education Institution in Cebu, Philippines

Rosario Laspiñas | Armfred U. Almerez

Discipline: Education



This study investigates how graduate students react to the selected HEI’s learning management system (LMS). A user experience survey was used to assess the LMS's pragmatic (task-related) and hedonic (non-task-related) qualities. The results show a mainly neutral rating for both pragmatic and hedonic features, indicating that respondents have an overall neutral posture toward the LMS. Neutrality in this context does not necessarily mean unhappiness, but rather a lack of strong preference, which could be related to users' unfamiliarity with the system or uncertainty about their feelings toward it. The study emphasizes the relevance of elements such as interface design in ensuring the success of e-learning system installation. In addition, the importance of technology and interface design in promoting effective learning experiences is highlighted. Emotional aspects other than functional characteristics must be examined in order to gain a thorough knowledge of users' experiences with the LMS. Finally, accomplishing learning objectives using technology necessitates joint efforts from academic organizational stakeholders. Recognizing and addressing users' fears and concerns can help institutions develop a more positive user experience and potentially improve teaching and learning results. This study emphasizes the need of understanding users' requirements and experiences in order to improve the success of LMS installations in higher education institutions.


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