Classcraft as A Gamified Intervention Tool for Students’ Affective and Mastery Level in Learning General Biology 2
Perry Angelo Manlapaz
Discipline: Education
This research study focused on the utilization of Classcraft as an intervention tool in General Biology 2 to enhance students' affective constructs (motivation, engagement, and preparedness) and mastery levels. The study identified the least-mastered competencies in Grade 11 students and examine the impact of the gamified intervention tool on their learning experiences. A quasi-experimental approach was employed, comparing the results of an experimental group that used the Classcraft tool with a control group. Data was collected through pre- and post-tests, affective component surveys, and an assessment form. The findings revealed challenging topics in General Biology 2 and the difficulties students face in mastering them. Recommendations include tailored instruction, reinforcement exercises, visual aids, and practical experiences to address these challenges. The study shows that students recognize the importance of General Biology 2 but exhibit lower interest in further exploration. Student strategies include note-taking, creating visual aids, and seeking help. The Classcraft intervention tool, implemented for one month, leads to increased interaction, engagement, and enjoyment. Specific activities like Eons of Existence and Roundrock Rumble have a significant impact on understanding evolution and motivation. The intervention tool positively affects affective components and competence levels, improving motivation, engagement, and mastery. The experimental group demonstrates significantly higher improvement in mastery levels compared to the control group. The integration of gamified intervention tools like Classcraft has the potential to enhance affective experiences, motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. The study recommends implementing the Classcraft tool, providing training and support, tailoring instruction, fostering collaboration, providing additional resources and feedback, evaluating and refining the intervention, and conducting further research.
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