HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 1 (2024)

Impact of Mental Health Literacy on Attitude Toward Seeking Counseling Among Senior High School Students of Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College

Dianne Freiz  De Luna | Maria Josefina Malabanan | Noel  Malabonga | Mark Anthony Villar | Bea Teresa Sengco

Discipline: psychology (non-specific)



Mental health pertains to an individual's cognitive, emotional, and social well-being. It encompasses the intricate interplay between thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and interactions within the context of one's life. The study investigates the impact of Mental Health Literacy on Senior High School students' attitudes towards seeking counseling. The research involved 200 students aged 15-20 from Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College, selected using purposive sampling. The Mental Health Literacy Scale selecting 20 targeted questions from the scale from the 35 items original questionnaire and the revised Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help scale featuring 10 questions that evaluate individuals' general inclinations towards seeking professional counseling for psychological concerns were used. The data was analyzed using Regression Analysis. The study's results reveal a statistically significant regression model (F = 49.760, p < .001), affirming that Mental Health Literacy serves as a significant predictor of Attitude Towards Seeking Counseling. The substantial F-statistic dismisses the possibility of a chance relationship, emphasizing a genuine connection between the variables. Notably, the positive coefficient of .424 (p < .001) implies that a one-unit increase in Mental Health Literacy corresponds to a .424-unit increase in Attitude Towards Seeking Counseling, with the standardized coefficient (Beta = .448) highlighting a moderate influence of Mental Health Literacy on Attitude Towards Seeking Counseling. Overall, the study shows that it is equally significant is the overwhelmingly positive and open attitude these students held towards seeking counseling services, underscoring their willingness to access professional mental health support. The positive attitude towards seeking counseling may be attributed to increased awareness campaigns, educational programs, and societal efforts. The findings could help create a healthier environment for Senior High School students' mental health journey.


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