HomeSan Pablo Colleges Liberales: A Research Journal and Creative Works Foliovol. 1 no. 1 (2025)

Fostering the Value of Stewardship: An Action-Oriented Approach to Enhancing CLAYGO Policy in San Pablo Colleges

Noemi L Lunar | Natalia Nizel S Briñas | Mary Rose D Solis

Discipline: Education



This action research investigated the perceptions of teachers and students to-wards Clean As You Go (CLAYGO) policies within San Pablo Colleges through a quantitative descriptive study involving 90 students and 10 teachers. The findings reveal a positive attitude towards the implementation of CLAYGO policies, indi-cating a high recognition of the need for formal policies (99%) and a belief in their efficacy in shaping behavior (80%). Additionally, respondents express a strong correlation between the existence of CLAYGO policies and a sense of pride in cleanliness (54% agree, 44% strongly agree). The study uncovers a perceived con-tribution of CLAYGO policies to a more disciplined atmosphere in canteens and classrooms (57% strongly agree, 42% agree) and alignment with values of respon-sibility and stewardship (46% agree, 51% strongly agree). Furthermore, teachers are acknowledged as influential figures in CLAYGO enforcement, with significant agreement on their role as role models (64% agree, 34% strongly agree) and edu-cators (56% agree, 42% strongly agree). Student responsibility emerges as a key theme, with respondents linking policy implementation to a sense of responsibil-ity (49% agree, 47% strongly agree). A call for accountability is evident, as seen in the agreement that there should be consequences for non-adherence to CLAYGO policies (50% agree, 43% strongly agree). Challenges include perceived issues re-lated to student forgetfulness (25%). Based on these findings, a comprehensive action plan is proposed, encompassing policy enhancement, promotion, teacher training, student engagement, disciplinary measures, continuous monitoring, and curriculum integration. The plan aims to address challenges, improve cleanliness standards, and ensure the sustainability and adaptability of CLAYGO initiatives.


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