HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 2 (2024)

Watching Movies with English Subtitles and Vocabulary Performance of SPA Learners

Jerushiah Opriasa

Discipline: English Language



Implicit learning is acquiring knowledge about the underlying structure of a complex stimulus from the environment by a naturally occurring process that happens without conscious effort or intervention. With technological advancement, watching movies with English subtitles has become available in so many ways or platforms. This means that implicit certainty of learning new words through this form of entertainment is inevitable. Thus, this study aimed to determine the frequency of watching movies with English subtitles and correlate it with the vocabulary performance of Special Program in the Arts (SPA) learners of Sara National High School, Sara, Iloilo. Using stratified random sampling, 123 SPA learners were identified as respondents of the study. Descriptive statistics was used to describe the data. Inferential statistics was used to establish the differences and relationships among the variables considered in the study. The results showed that SPA learners in general had “low” frequency of watching movies with English subtitles, which means that they watch 2 to 3 movies or episodes per week. In vocabulary skills, data showed that in general, SPA learners had “good” level of vocabulary skills, which means that they have good vocabulary skills that lead to satisfactory reading comprehension. However, when grouped according to grade level, Grade 7 had a “low” frequency of watching movies with English subtitles. Similarly, they had a “poor” level of vocabulary skills. Also, the results obtained from the tests showed that the SPA learners' frequency of watching movies with English subtitles significantly related to their vocabulary performance r(121)=.61, p. 000.


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