Vocabulary Development and Comprehension Skills Through Word Games Among Grade 4 Learners
Kristine Macabenta | Samboy Niala
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to improve the language and comprehension abilities of Grade IV students at Iligan City Central School in the academic year 2022-2023. Using vocabulary skills tests in the Comparative and Word Game Groups, the study determined how this method aided pretest-posttest performances. The substantial difference between the pretest and post-test performances of the participants in the Comparative and Word Game Groups. After the pretest, the comparison group received conventional instruction. For the word game group's intervention, the researcher created a vocabulary word game. Like a board game of snakes and ladders, the students played the word game. Then, after they played the game, they had to consolidate the words that they had learned and reported them to the class. After all the interventions in both the comparative group and word game group, the post-test was given. The pretest and post-test were composed of context clues with definition and exemplification questions. Learners had to look for the answer in the given choices. An adopted questionnaire was used in conjunction with the quasi-experimental study approach to collect data. To determine whether there was a significant difference in the participants' reading abilities on the pretest and on the posttest for the two groups, frequency and percentage, independent t-test, and paired t-test were used. The results of the study showed that word games helped learners become better at understanding language. Important results were drawn, including the fact that word games changed the learning environment and inspired the students to improve their vocabulary and comprehension abilities.
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