Multimedia Approach in Teaching Science Grade 7
Kareen Kaamiño | Omar Hussien
Discipline: Education
The study found that teaching science ideas through a multimedia method was beneficial. The study used two groups, the traditional approach group and the multimedia approach group, in a quasi-experimental research design. At Marcela T. Mabanta National High School in Kauswagan District, Division of Lanao del Norte, 98 students in grade 7 participated in the survey. It took place in the third trimester of the 2022–2023 academic year. The students from sections Amber and Amethyst in grade 7 made up the two participating groups. Both groups of responders were made up of a mixed assortment of second-quarter. The groups employing the traditional and multimedia methodologies both had the same pre-test outcomes. As a result, the null hypothesis, which claimed that there was no discernible difference between the pretest scores of the groups using the conventional strategy and the multimedia approach, was not disproved. The traditional method group and the multimedia approach group's posttest results, in contrast, demonstrated a significantly significant difference. Thus, the null hypothesis, which stated that there was no significant difference between the posttest scores of the conventional approach and multimedia approach groups, was rejected. The teaching of science topics or lessons was complemented by the use of video lessons as part of a multimedia approach. Videos have been discovered to have the power to concentrate viewers' attention and make concepts apparent in a way that words or pictures alone could not establish. It improved self-efficacy, increased motivation, and most importantly, raised concept awareness. Therefore, it was advised that science teachers incorporate a multimedia approach into their regular courses in order to spark students' attention. This can encourage people to adopt a favorable viewpoint on the matter.
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