HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 3 (2024)

Love Corner: Enhancing Students’ English Vocabulary

Liz-ann Bertuldes | Arnel Pradia

Discipline: English Language



This study assessed the impact of the LOVE Corner strategy on students' vocabulary competence using a quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test one-group design. It involved five Grade 9 students selected from a larger group of 30 participants who achieved the highest scores in the quantitative part. The findings revealed a significant improvement in students' vocabulary competence after implementing the LOVE Corner strategy. Nearly half of the students achieved satisfactory scores in the post-test, indicating a substantial enhancement in their vocabulary skills. The strategy also positively affected writing, speaking, and sentence construction skills as students acquired new words.In conclusion, the LOVE Corner is an effective tool for enhancing students' English vocabulary. It is recommended that English teachers integrate the LOVE Corner into their vocabulary instruction, and the school administration should organize seminars, training sessions, and workshops for faculty members to facilitate its effective use. Furthermore, the language department should develop learning guides and instructional materials that incorporate the LOVE Corner, particularly for basic English courses. Encouraging students to actively participate in classroom activities can further enhance their vocabulary. Future research should explore the applicability of the LOVE Corner in different settings and with diverse participant groups to validate the study's results.


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