HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 3 (2024)

Empowerment, Organizational Commitment, and Management Performance of Secondary School Heads in the New Normal in the Division of Palawan

Jabel Anthony Nuñala | David Perez

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the level of empowerment, organizational commitment, and leadership management performance of public secondary school heads In the New Normal in the Division of Palawan and Puerto Princesa City. Data were gathered using researcher-made survey instruments, and collected data were analyzed using the Microsoft Excel program and Statistical Package for Social Science, version 17. One Hundred Forty-three school heads and 572 stakeholders served as respondents in this study. Most school heads emerge as predominantly female, middle-aged, and newly appointed in their roles.The study showed that school heads, teachers, and stakeholders consistently had high levels of empowerment across domains such as Decision-Making, Professional Development, Status in the Organization, Self-Efficacy, Curriculum Content Enhancement, Instructional Management, and Community Linkages. Moreover, school heads exhibit a high level of organizational commitment in affective, continuance, and normative organizational commitment. In terms of Leadership management performance, both teachers and stakeholders attain high mean scores, indicating a high leadership management performance of secondary school heads. There is no significant relationship between respondents' profiles and organizational commitment; no significant relationship is found between empowerment levels and teachers' and stakeholders' perceived leadership performance.However, a positive correlation between the degree of organizational commitment and the level of empowerment among secondary school heads, emphasizing the interplay between these categories. With regards to the challenges, including insufficient participation in professional development initiatives and shortcomings in coaching and mentoring programs. These challenges are rated with varying degrees of seriousness, demanding attention and improvement to bolster empowerment and organizational commitment. Therefore, the study contributes to understanding empowerment and organizational commitment in secondary schools and proposes actionable interventions for improvement and growth.


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