HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 3 (2024)

The Experiences of the Lebakeño Grade XI Students on Learning Mathematics in the Modular Approach: Basis for Learning Framework

Rashmia Baraguir | Jun Yang Badie

Discipline: Mathematics



Face to face learning engagement of students and teachers within the school has been suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic. This results to adoption of the modular learning to ensure the continuity of education. This study aimed to describe the experiences of the Grade 11 students on learning Mathematics in the modular approach among the five selected schools in Lebak, Sultan Kudarat during the school year 2022-2023. These experiences were identified through a descriptive study utilizing focus group discussion to five participants and surveys to the 345 respondents in the selected schools through purposeful sampling. The findings indicate that students spent most of their time in answering the module, experienced flexible learning, engaged themselves in the different activities provided, and they learned on their own. Nevertheless, challenges still emerged despite these desirable experiences. It was revealed that students choose not to submit the tasks on time because of the overloaded learning tasks provided, they do not set priorities, there are lots of distractions while doing the tasks, and most of them rely on the answer keys provided on the module. However, students utilized different coping strategies to handle challenges on answering the mathematical tasks on the modules. Students utilized religious coping, meaning-making, allowing themselves to play out at their best, both adjustment and considerations, and asking for assistance also helped them to cope with the difficulty in learning Mathematics. Besides, this study proposed a learning framework in Mathematics in the modular approach. The adoption of such framework has enormous implications, not only understanding the nature and quality of the modular learning achievements, but also of exposition of gaps that need to bridge in future modular learning research and practice.


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