Game-Based and Project-Based Approaches: Their Effects on Grade 10 Learners’ Performance in Biology
Kevin Jurada
Discipline: Physical Sciences (non-specific)
This quasi-experimental research was conducted to find out the effects of game-based and project-based approaches on Grade 10 learners’ performance in biology of Ramon Avanceña National High School, Iloilo City. Purposive sampling design was used and researcher-made instrument for pre-test and post-test on learners’ performance was also utilized in gathering data. It was found out that the grade 10 learners’ performance in biology before they were exposed to game and project-based approaches was fairly satisfactory. There was no significant difference in the pre-test scores of the group of learners in the game-based and project-based approaches. The Grade 10 learners’ performance in biology after they were exposed to game-based and project-based approaches was very satisfactory. There was significant difference in the pre-test and post-test scores of learners in the game-based and project-based approaches. There was no significant difference in the post-test scores of learners in the game-based and project-based approaches.
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