Four Dimensions of Personnel Relational Work in Multi-Settings: Deriving Sociograms for Work Dynamism and Dynamics
Mellany Cacawa
Discipline: Education
This study assessed the four dimensions of personnel relational work in multi-settings which served as basis for deriving sociograms for personnel relational work dynamism and dynamics in the schools division of Rizal in the year 2022. Three clustered schools in the Schools Division of Rizal and the Division Office. Thirty-five (35) respondents from the small, medium, large and mega schools in the 3 clusters, the sub-offices and the division office were considered. These are TAPJ consisting of 12 respondents, ROS with 11 respondents and CATTA, also with 12 respondents. The four dimensions of personnel relational work adopted from the concept of Timothy Butler and James Waldroop that includes influence, interpersonal facilitation, relational creativity, and team leadership. The researcher adopted the total enumeration technique in gathering the data. The instrument is a self-made instrument which undergone face validation from the experts in the field. It also undergone a reliability test with a value of 93.5% and 94.1% with a verbal interpretation of Highly Reliable. To have a better analysis on the derived sociograms for work dynamism and dynamics in the school’s division of Rizal based on the four dimensions of personnel relational work in multi-settings Mean was utilized. The result indicated that the four dimensions are evident when the grand mean is considered with 4.09 but looking at individually only the Interpersonal Facilitation is the highly evident. This implies that interpersonal relation or supporting co-employees is more visible and of importance to the personnel of the school’s division of Rizal. A general sociogram was developed to depict the relational work dynamism and personnel relational work dynamics which is represented by a circle and oblongs. It can be concluded that support and necessary assistance is given to personnel in schools. Top management and other personnel work as a team for the accomplishment of tasks and achievement of goals. Personnel in the school division of Rizal have high respect for their leaders/top management. Personnel are performing of what is stipulated in their defined functions. Each personnel in the school’s division of Rizal support each other for the realization of goals and accomplishment of goals.
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