HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 8 (2024)

Lived Experiences of In-house Personnel as Carers of Individuals Battling

Kathleen Ryan B Bobadilla | Kyle Nicole Belvis | Eduard Frenie DeGuzman | Maria Graciella Khyla Estreller | Eugenie Bien SanAntonio

Discipline: Psychology



Rehabilitation centers are in charge of caring for their residents and treating their addiction problems. To make that possible, in-house carers work collaboratively with each other. They have different roles to perform to help their residents with their program and achieve their recovery goals. Hence, this study aimed to know the experiences of an in-house carer working in a rehabilitation center. This study utilized the Three Component Model of Commitment Theory designed by John Meyer and Natalie Allen. The theory guided the researchers to analyze the carer's feelings toward his job and workplace, covering their experiences working in the rehabilitation center. Moreover, this study used purposive sampling to identify three (3) carers who were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Thus, the study revealed four (4) emergent themes, and these were factors considered in working at a rehabilitation facility (1), duties and responsibilities (2), daily interactions (3), and work challenges (4). Hence, from the findings, it was concluded that these four (4) are relevant to describing the experiences of the respondents


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