Creative Therapy for Juvenile Homicide Offenders in Rehabilitation Center
Carlo Puno | Edna Luz Abulon
Discipline: Psychology
A mixed method specifically embedded concurrent experimental design was utilized to investigate the effectiveness of creative therapy modules among six (6) juvenile homicide offenders in a rehabilitation center. Results show that juveniles possess a high level of aggression and a low to an average level of empathy and prosocial behavior. This was supported by the process observers or their respective center personnel. Using thematic analysis, seven (7) themes emerged during the modules' conduct: Reflective, Conscious, Composed, Compassionate, Grateful, Faithful, and Obedient. After the conduct of the creative therapy modules, the results of their post-assessment yielded a difference compared to their pre-assessment. Multiple sources also validated this, including the participants’ experiences during the conduct of the modules as well as the observations of the process observers. Lastly, there is a significant difference between the pre-and post-test assessments on aggression (.000), empathy (.001), and prosocial behavior (.003). It can be said that creative therapy modules significantly impacted these behaviors, which was attested by the process observers when they acknowledged the vital contributions of the therapy in helping these juveniles.
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