HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 4 (2024)

Influence of Teacher's Personality and Behavior on Students Character Building

Gigi Makabenta | Dennis Caballes

Discipline: Education



Teachers as professional leaders perform a crucial role in establishing positive behavior and qualities among learners. This descriptive research aimed to shed light to these questions determine the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of their performance of their academic duties, acceptance of additional duties in class, and interaction with fellow students/teachers/non-teaching staff of the school. To provide understanding on the problem this study employed the use of self-made survey questionnaire and sought the help of 100 participants from the local of the study Antipolo City Senior High School. The results of the study revealed that in terms of performing their academic duties gained an over-all mean of 3.56 with a verbal interpretation of Very Satisfactory while in terms of accepting additional duties in class and of interaction with fellow students/teachers/non-teaching staff obtained an over-all mean of 3.19 and 3.17 respectively with the verbal interpretation of Satisfactory. Also, the results showed that there is significant difference on the influence of teacher’s personality and behavior on the respondents’ character building in terms of the given parameters.


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