HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 8 (2024)

Effects of Teachers’ Stressor and Quality of Work Life on their Commitment and Performance in the New Normal

Mary Christine Batongbakal

Discipline: Education



The study's main purpose was to examine the effects of teachers’ stressors and quality of work life on teachers’ commitment and performance in the new normal. The researcher used the descriptive-correlational method in gathering, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. 332 teachers were requested to be the respondents of the study. Standardized instruments were used to collect data for the different variables, including stressors, quality of work life, and commitment. Documentary analysis was adopted for the teaching performance. Mean and multiple regression were applied to interpret the collected data from the respondents. Results revealed that teachers have very great extent stressors on role overload (M=3.59), moderate extent on job design (M=3.17) and role conflict (M=2.61), and some extent to relationship with school administrator (M=1.90). They agree on having a high quality of work life in work environment (M=3.83), organization culture and climate (M=3.63), relation and cooperation (M=3.91), training and development (M=4.04), compensation and rewards (M=3.77), facilities (M=3.56), job satisfaction and security (M=3.92), autonomy of work (M=3.81) and adequacy of resource (M=3.82). The level of commitment of teachers is at a very great extent on affective (M=3.54) and a great extent on continuance (M=3.12) and normative (M=3.29). Teachers have a very satisfactory rating with a mean of 4.35 on their IPCRF. Job stressors have a significant effect on affective and continuance commitment. Furthermore, quality of work life also significantly affected affective commitment, with a t-value of 8.581817 and a p-value of 0.000.


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