HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 4 (2024)

The Level of Learners’ Performance in Mathematics Through Mind Mapping Strategy

Beatriz Faye Gilbuena | Rhea R. Villanueva | Angelo Villanueva

Discipline: Mathematics



The study investigated the effectiveness of the Mind Mapping Strategy on Grade 11 learners' performance in Mathematics. The study used an experimental research design to assess the Mathematics performance of Grade 11 learners using a mind-mapping strategy. The study's respondents were chosen using the enumeration technique to get the population sample. The mind mapping strategy was tested for significant differences in performance between the two groups. The study found that the that both the control and experimental groups' Mathematics performance did not meet expectations, in the pre-test indicating the need for intervention. After the implementation of mind mapping approach, the experimental group demonstrated a significant improvement in Mathematics gain performance compared to the control group, with higher percentages of students achieving satisfactory and fairly satisfactory levels. The mind mapping strategy was effective, resulting in a gain performance of 17.29, indicating a statistically significant improvement in performance. The experimental group's mind map scores and post-test scores showed a strong positive correlation, with a p-value of 0.00001 indicating a statistically significant correlation. This strong evidence supports the claim of a significant association between the two variables. The critical value of 1.68 was used to determine the significance level, and since the correlation coefficient (0.899) is greater than the critical value (1.68), the null hypothesis was rejected, indicating a strong association between the two variables. The incorporation of mind mapping in mathematics has demonstrated its effectiveness as a valuable tool for students, aiding in the improvement of their comprehension and the establishment of connections between mathematical concepts. Through consistent assessment and ongoing monitoring, educators can guarantee the sustained efficacy and triumph of this implementation framework. The study recommends educators adopt this strategy for enhanced student outcomes and encourage learners to incorporate it as a study aid.


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