Code Choice in Ms. Cynthia’s Selected Vlogs: A Study of Boholano Language Use
Fatima Lagapa-Butil
Discipline: Education
This study analyzes the types and functions of code-switching and code-mixing patterns in Cynthia Alambatin’s selected vlogs. Specifically, it analyzes the following: (1) The utterances that are code-switched and code-mixed. (2) The types of code-switching and code-mixing patterns are intersentential switching, intrasentential switching, and tag-switching. (3) The patterns of code-switching revealed in terms of the following functions are referential, directive, expressive, phatic, metalinguistic, and poetic. (4) The monograph on language policy/ communicative strategy is designed based on the findings. Findings show that, in her vlogs, Ms. Cynthia easily shifts between her native tongue (Boholano-Visayan) and English using code-switching and code-mixing. Many code-switched and code-mixed utterances let her communicate with a wide audience. Throughout her vlogs, Ms. Cynthia, a vlogger, skillfully incorporates various techniques. She employs intrasentential code-mixing to engage in detailed discussions, intrasentential code-switching to introduce individuals or express emotions, and extrasentential code-mixing to discuss specific topics such as cooking techniques. Moreover, Ms. Cynthia communicates facts, directions, and personal experiences well. Although she does not use phatic or poetic functions, these functions engage her audience on various topics.
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