HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 4 (2024)

Phonological Awareness of Kindergarten Teachers

Eloisa Arceo–Elemento | Maria Beatriz Capinpin

Discipline: Education



This mixed method study has sought to identify the challenges encountered by kindergarten teachers in teaching phonological awareness which are a great factor in teaching beginning reading. The respondents in the study are the kindergarten teachers and learners at District II-B Schools Division of Olongapo City, Zambales.Specifically, this study has found the meaning of phonological awareness of kindergarten learners. The performance of the kindergarten learner based on the Early Grades Reading was also given focus. The challenges encountered by the teacher in teaching phonological awareness were also given highlights. The level of phonological awareness of kindergarten learners along with the ten components of Early Grades Reading Assessment (EGRA) such as Orientation to Print; Letter Name Knowledge; Letter Sound Knowledge; Initial Sound Identification; Familiar Word Reading; Invented Word Reading; Oral Passage Reading; Reading Comprehension; Listening Comprehension; and Dictation. The challenges encountered by the teacher in teaching phonological awareness Parental Indifference; Lack of Professional Experience; Students Unreadiness; Students Absenteeism and Lack of student interest. This study has resulted in an instructional plan that aims to improve the phonological awareness of kindergarten learners. This is significant in enhancing the teaching and learning process and its implications to academic outcomes of kindergarten pupils and teachers.


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