HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 4 (2024)

Unlocking Opportunities: The Key to Successful Destigmatization of Ex-Offenders

Junielito Espanto

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the experiences of ex-offenders and the perceptions of society regarding their reintegration. A descriptive-correlational design was employed in the study, which took place in Abuyog, Leyte, Regional VIII (Eastern Visayas). The study revealed that most ex-offenders were male, with differing age ranges and educational backgrounds. A significant portion of ex-offenders had been involved in illegal drug trade, murder, or homicide. The majority of ex-offenders served sentences ranging from 1 to 10 years and had a middle socio-economic status, with a significant percentage lacking permanent employment. The study examined social support provided to ex-offenders, revealing a high prevalence of rehabilitation programs and parole and probation officer monitoring, but lower rates of other forms like re-entry programs, legal aid, mentoring, vocational training, and housing assistance. Ex-offenders faced numerous challenges in reintegration, including humiliation, rejection, isolation, and difficulties in family, friendship, and romantic relationships. Disclosure of their criminal history also led to employer rejection. Society's perceptions of ex-offenders reintegration were mixed, with stakeholders expressing both support and skepticism. Barriers included community hesitance, but opinions among ex-offenders differed on other identified barriers. Age and personal association with ex-offenders significantly influenced stakeholders' perceptions, while other demographic factors did not. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the complexities surrounding ex-offenders’ reintegration. They emphasize the need for comprehensive support systems and interventions to address challenges and promote successful reintegration. Future research and policy initiatives should consider these findings to develop targeted strategies for creating inclusive and supportive communities for ex-offenders.


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