Leadership Style of the School Heads As Correlates to the Level of Efficiency of Management Practices: Inputs For Professional Development Plan
Ginalyn Martir
Discipline: Mathematics
The study aimed to determine the leadership styles of the school heads as correlates to the level of efficiency of management practices in different schools in Baras District, during the School Year 2021-2022. It can be noted from the results that School Heads and teachers both agreed about the leadership style concerning Organizational Commitment, especially, when the School Heads demonstrates their willingness to exert effort and pushing their limits just to make the organization successful. The results also implied that the differences in most profile variables of teachers are not factors that affect the consistencies of their responses pertaining to the level of efficiencies of School Heads with respect to the different aspects. Further, the results emphasized that the leadership style, the level of efficiency, and management practices of the School Heads are not associated with each other based on the different aspects considered in the study. With that this professional development program aimed to improve the leadership, efficiency, and management practices of school heads. Through this, school heads can shape a vision of success; guide teaching and learning; and build capacity in teachers and other stakeholders to help in improving student outcomes and provide high-quality educational opportunities for all learners.
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