Lessons in Grade 7 Science on Force, Motion, and Energy Using the Experiential Learning Approach
Ronjake Antopina
Discipline: Education
This study investigated the efficacy of employing experiential learning methods to teach Science to Grade 7 students at Masbate School of Fisheries. The study addressed the following inquiries: (1) How do the developed Grade 7 Science lessons on Force, Motion, and Energy using experiential learning impact students' a. conceptual comprehension and b. attitude towards Science?; and (2) What teaching and learning insights can be gleaned from implementing these lessons? The researcher adopted a pretest-posttest-one-group pre-experimental and descriptive design. Quantitative and qualitative approaches were utilized, drawing data from pretest-posttest results of the Science Conceptual Understanding Test, Science Attitudinaire, assessment sheets, and journal entries. Statistical analyses included frequency count, weighted mean, percentage score, and the t-test for paired two-sample means to assess significant differences in pre/post-test scores. The study involved 40 Grade 7 students from Masbate School of Fisheries, which follows the Strengthened Technical Vocational Education Program – Competency Based Curriculum during the 2019-2020 school year. The curriculum featured three lessons covering Distance and Displacement, Speed and Velocity, and Acceleration and Free Fall, each incorporating experiential learning activities like "A Walk to Remember," "Runner, Runner," and "Too Fast Too Furious." These activities aimed to facilitate hands-on learning experiences, integrating locally available materials, science process skills, and technical-vocational applications. Post-treatment, notable improvements were observed in the posttest ratings compared to pretest results, particularly in Distance and Displacement and Speed and Velocity lessons. Although Acceleration and Free Fall performance levels increased only slightly, the study underscores the importance of mastering fundamental concepts like distance, displacement, time, speed, and velocity for comprehending complex topics like acceleration and free fall. Statistical analyses confirmed significant mean differences pre/post-treatment. Students also exhibited improved attitudes toward Science following the lessons. The study suggests enhancing student motivation, addressing prior experiences, reducing difficulties stemming from weak physics foundations, fostering conducive emotional conditions, and aligning teaching methods with students' daily experiences to enhance physics learning outcomes.
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