HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 7 (2024)

Faculty Trust and Collaborative Leadership as Predictors to Teachers' Job Stress

Princes Joy G. Arambala | Ionne Avelino

Discipline: Education



The findings of this study present a comprehensive picture of the relationships between faculty trust, collaborative leadership, and teacher job stress among elementary teachers. The quantitative approach involving 270 respondents through Google Forms offers valuable insights into the importance of these variables to teacher's job stress. Firstly, the study identifies a positive correlation between faculty trust and collaborative leadership, indicating that collaborative leadership also tends to increase as faculty trust increases. This positive association aligns with existing literature emphasizing the interconnectedness of trust and effective leadership practices within educational settings. The high levels of faculty trust and collaborative leadership reported by teachers suggest a positive and supportive school culture, potentially contributing to a conducive work environment. Moreover, the reported low job stress among teachers is a notable finding, aligning with the potential positive impact of the high faculty trust and collaborative leadership level. The correlation coefficients range from -0.382 to -0.464 with a p-value of 0.001, revealing a significant negative correlation between faculty trust, collaborative leadership, and teacher job stress. The rejection of the null hypothesis implies that higher levels of faculty trust and collaborative leadership are associated with lower levels of job stress, supporting the notion that a positive and trusting school environment can mitigate stressors faced by teachers. However, the regression analysis results reveal that while collaborative leadership significantly influences teacher job stress, faculty trust does not exhibit a statistically significant influence. This suggests that other factors may mediate the impact of trust on teachers' job stress or that the specific indicators of trust measured in the study may not be as directly linked to stress outcomes. This warrants further exploration and consideration in future research endeavors. In light of these findings, recommendations for educational practitioners and policymakers include fostering and sustaining collaborative leadership practices within schools. Creating an opportunity for shared decision-making, teamwork, and professional collaboration can contribute to maintaining lower levels of teacher job stress.


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