HomePsychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journalvol. 17 no. 7 (2024)

The Evolution of Learning: Exploring the Impact of Modern Technology and Traditional Learning on Students’ Development

Ariza Maree Cabueños | Marian Clare Panganiban | Juliefer Fernando

Discipline: others in technology



Higher education students learning after the COVID-19 pandemic encounter challenges due to the transition from online classroom to the traditional face to face classes. The need for the identification of this challenges is needed in order to formulate a suitable approach in teaching. This study investigates some of the challenges encountered by higher education students during the transition of pandemic to post-pandemic focusing on the students’ experience towards modern technology and traditional approach in learning. A research-made instrument, validated by experts was used to determine the possible challenges that students encounter. A descriptive-correlational research design was used to comprehensively portray the current state of learning evolution, emphasizing the nuanced features of the phenomenon. This study explores potential relationships between the utilization of modern technology, engagement in traditional learning, and overall student development. Findings reveal a significant difference in the academic performance of students exposed to modern technology and those educated through traditional methods, underscoring the substantial influence of teaching techniques on learning outcomes. The study emphasizes the need for a careful reconsideration of teaching methods to accommodate students' diverse learning requirements and preferences. The positive relationship between current technology use and student performance calls for a closer evaluation of instructional methods and an adaptable educational system. The conclusion highlights the importance of ongoing research to fully comprehend the intricate link between technology and academic outcomes.


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