Teachers’ Performance Management of the RPMS-COT Indicators: Development Plan for Program Implementation
Juneth Armentano
Discipline: Education
Teachers are being assessed and evaluated to maximize their performance in classroom discussions. This study identified the performance of the teachers in terms of the RPMS-COT indicators in the public elementary schools of Sta. Catalina District, DepEd Negros Oriental Division for SY 2021-2022. This inquiry used descriptive-correlational as the research design. The instrument utilized in this study was an adopted questionnaire which was validated and tested on its reliability in measuring what it intends to measure. The sex, teaching positions, number of family members, and the distance from residence to the assigned school profiles that the teachers’ extent of performance management based on the RPMS-COT indicators when they are grouped according to their Identified Profiles. The results showed a significant difference between and among the variables such as the profile of the respondents and their performance. The job performance rating of the teachers was anchored on their IPCRF. The IPCRF of the teachers does not directly affect the teachers’ extent of performance management. The indicators of the teachers’ performance management such as the content being delivered in the classroom, the conducive learning environment where students learn, the learners’ differences, the curriculum being followed, the nature of how teachers are assessing and evaluating, the building of trust among the internal and external stakeholders and the activities that teachers should do to improve their craft in teaching are in great extent. With this, it is pertinent to plan out activities that can elevate the teachers’ performance management. The development plan proposed in this study can be of great help to all teachers in improving their management performance.
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