Examining College Students` Flexibility in Handling Hyflex Learning: Motivation, Behavior, Stress, Time Management, and Coping Mechanism
Angel Lhi Alcalde | Kent Mahathir Kamal | Ted Anthony Singco | Yman Bynch Tuya | James Cantor
Discipline: Education
The pandemic pressed frantically every institution to adopt online learning to cover the possible learning losses brought by the phenomenon. With the novelty of the different learning modalities implemented by each school, this study explored the flexibility of college students in handling the HyFlex learning modality in terms of their motivation, behavior, stress, time management, and coping mechanisms. It was conducted in Midsayap, North Cotabato, Philippines, involving 25 college students who experienced the HyFlex learning modality. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to gather the demographic profile of the respondents and their motivation, behavior, stress, time management, and coping mechanisms in handling the HyFlex learning modality. Results showed that Most of the students who experienced the HyFlex learning modality were from Midsayap and College of Education BSED-Science 1st year and 2nd-year students with a monthly income of 5,000 to 10,000 Philippine pesos. Moreover, according to the department, no significant difference was found in handling HyFlex learning. Lastly, there is a significant difference in handling HyFlex learning according to locality and economic income.
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