HomeIAMURE International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religionvol. 1 no. 1 (2012)

Kerima Polotan-Tuvera: An Analysis of Her Style and Craft as Reviewed from Her Short Stories "The Virgin" and the "Sounds of Sunday"

Emeliza T. Estimo

Discipline: Philosophy



This study is an attempt at describing and analyzing Kerima Polotan-Tuvera's style and craft as a short story writer. This attempt is anchored on the combined constructs of Short (1996), Hayes (1966) and Chapman (1973) which emphasize that analyzing text style must be done by examining linguistic choices which are intrinsically connected with meaning. This paper also borrows Hayes' (1966) concept of writing style as a characteristic, habitual, and recurrent use of the apparatuses of language which must be amenable to statistical measurement in order to reveal the writer's craft. Combining both quantitative and qualitative methods, the study revealed prevalent use of simple and complex structures where the use of simple sentences is more predominant and lengthened only by an extensive use of a variety of modifiers. Tuvera's writing revealed a dominant use of single word adjectives or "true adjectives"---a term borrowed from Gibson (1966). Furthermore, her simple, natural, and spontaneous use of description was perceived to be used as a foregrounding device for characterization and theme-building, as a withholding technique, and as a strategy to imply meanings and to highlight the setting of the story. Further analysis of the stories revealed social realities during Tuvera's time particularly on the changing role of women in the society.

All Comments (1)

9 months ago

this is a good story