HomeLUMINAvol. 22 no. 2 (2011)

The Teaching of Paul on the New Creature as a Precursor for Socio-Religious Transformation

Taiye Adamolekun

Discipline: Social Science, Religion



This paper discusses the teaching of Paul on new creature as initiative for socio-religious transformation in Nigeria. Theological cum historical and sociological methods is adopted for the research. The work discusses Paul’s concept of new creature as the ministry of reconciliation, as future glorious hope of the Christian, and as new life in Christ. New creature is contextualized as rebranding in Nigeria. The work traces the history of rebranding in Nigeria and discusses three areas for rebranding namely: corruption, hostage taking and kidnapping, and human trafficking. It is established that corruption is the bane of development in Nigeria while the other social vices are a clog in the wheel of progress of the country. Behavioural change, good governance, honesty, and commitment to duty are suggested for solution.