HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 4 no. 1 (2007)

Development of a PC-Based Shoe-size Measurement with Inventory System*

Jennifer B. Enriquez

Discipline: Computer Science, Information Technology, Technology



The most common cause of foot pain concluded from a study of International Communications Research for Temple University School of Pediatric Medicine is improper fitting of shoes. Many people do not give much attention to shoe selection. They only consider the style and the brand, but not the fit when buying shoes. This may invite problems to their feet.

With this, a reliable, accurate and user-friendly PC-Based Shoe Size Measurement with Inventory System was developed with the goal of improving customer satisfaction to provide a superior fit between consumers’ feet and their shoes. The system has a device that measures foot sizes interfaced to a computer program that monitors the availability of shoe brand, size, price, and the number of stocks available. It lessens the work of shoe sales personnel by getting the right shoe that helps minimize errors and efforts in shoe fitting. Foot size guessing by customers will also be avoided.