HomeTIP Manila Research Journal vol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

TIP Mechancial Engineering Graduates and their Performance in The Licensure Examinations: Inputs to Educational Policy

Nicanor L. Serrano

Discipline: Education, Mechanical Engineering



This research study was conducted to determine the effects of the different factors on the performance of TIP Mechanical Engineering graduates from year 2004 to year 2007. Five factors were included in the study namely (1) School (2) In-house Review Program (3) Review School Attended (4) Peers and Review Mates and (5) Individual/Personal Skills. The respondents were divided into two groups: passers and non-passers. A total of sixty (60) respondents were included in the study. Thirty (30) respondents came from each group. A Likert’s scale was used to determine the effect of the five factors in the performance of the respondents in the Mechanical Engineering Licensure examination.

Among the five factors that affected the performance of the respondents who successfully passed the licensure examination, the review school attended got the highest mean of 4.74 with a verbal interpretation of very strongly agree followed by their individual/personal skills with a mean of 4.64 also interpreted as very strongly agree. The peers/review mates had the lowest mean of 3.69 as strongly agree followed by the school with a mean of 3.97 also as strongly agree. The in-house review program had a mean of 4.31 as strongly agree. The overall mean of the thirty respondents for all the five factors was 4.27 as strongly agree.

For the respondents who failed the licensure examination, the review school attended got the highest mean of 3.79 with a verbal interpretation of strongly agree followed by the school with a mean of 3.46 as agree. The peers and review mates had the lowest mean of only 2.89 as agree followed by their individual / personal skills with a mean of 3.14 as agree. The in-house review program got a mean of 3.29 as agree. The over-all mean of the thirty respondents for all five factors was 3.31 with a verbal interpretation of agree.

Using the ANOVA, the following factors such as in-house review program, review school attended, and individual / personal skills had all their five items showed significant difference in the performance of the sixty (60) respondents who successfully passed the licensure examination: Only one item each of these factors such as school and peers and review mates had no significant difference in the performance of all the respondents in the licensure examination. Findings revealed that TIP ME faculty members are competitive and have good teaching skills and strategies.