HomeTIP Research Journal Manilavol. 5 no. 1 (2000)

Development of a Compendium of Instructional Materials in Teaching Logic

Rogelio G. Dela Cruz

Discipline: Education, Study and Teaching



The primary goal of this study was to present an assessment on the level of logical ability of the engineering students in TIP-Manila. Specifically, this study attempted to determine the profile of the student-respondents in terms of age, gender, year level, course, type of school graduated from, and high school grade point average. It also assessed the logical ability of the engineering students in TIP-Manila in terms of definitions and meaning, propositions, square of oppositions, education, syllogism, and logical problem solving skills. Furthermore, it determined if there is significant difference that exists between the mean scores on different aspects of the logical ability test of the engineering student-respondents in TIP Manila in terms of definitions and meaning, propositions, square of oppositions, education, syllogisms, and logical problem solving skills.

Findings showed that the levels of logical ability of the engineering student-respondents of the Technological Institute of the Philippines Manila is average in the different aspects of the logical ability tests. This was a clear manifestation that most of the engineering students are familiar with the logical qualities of terms and capable of identifying the given propositions including the appropriate symbols, types and its equivalent.