HomeTIP Quezon City Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2008)

Determinants of Students’ Membership to Recognized Student Organizations at TIP-QC

Veronica C. Alfonso | Sonia P. Peñano



The study aimed to examine the factors that determine the membership of TIP QC students in student organizations. The respondent of the student were two hundred ninety-six (296) students of TIP QC who were randomly selected across courses and year levels. They were drawn from a population of about 7,500 students enrolled during the 2nd semester of SY 2007-08.

The independent variables of the study are person-related factors, personal influences, organizational benefits, organizational-related factors, and support system; and the dependent variable was membership in student organizations. The latter was categorized into three groups; namely, membership in academic/non-academic organization, fraternities/sororities, and non-membership in any group.

A researcher-constructed questionnaire and the “Student Needs Inventory”, a standardized test, were used to gather data.

Frequencies and percentage were computed to compare the profile of the three groups of respondents and to describe the students’ level of participation. Logistic Regression was used to investigate the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable of membership.

Findings revealed that in the academic/ non-academic organizations, there were more female students than male students; mostly third year students taking up courses in Education, Electronics and Communications Engineering and Marine Engineering, Their Need profile shows that many had Above Average need for Physical, Sexual and Social needs. Majority indicated Self as the most important value, followed by School as the second ranking value. Many exhibited characteristics of the Phlegmatic personality.

In the fraternity/sorority group, male students dominated female students. Third year students comprised most of the members. Most were taking up courses in Marine Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engineering and Management. Likewise, many had Above Average need for Physical, Sexual and Social needs. In terms of values, they held School and Family equally important. Majority is characterized having Melancholic personality.

In the non-member group, there were more male students than female students. First year students accounted for most of the non-members. Many were taking up courses in Information Technology, Electronics and Communications Engineering and Marine Engineering. In contrast to the Academic/non-academic and Fraternity/sorority groups, they indicated Above Average need for Sexual need only. In terms of values, they held Self and School as the first and second ranking values, respectively. Many are categorized having Melancholic personality. Majority of the respondents in the academic/non-academic and fraternity/sorority groups were ordinary members only in terms of level of participation.

Only social needs were found to be significant in determining membership in student organizations. Social Needs is a dimension of the Person-related factor.

Based on the above-mentioned findings, it can be concluded that TIP QC students join student organizations primarily because of the need to belong; to establish connections to the college environment; and to take part in social opportunities and interactions. Moreover, senior students were found to be more likely to join student organizations than freshmen students. Membership also increases when there are more student organizations in the department. Lastly, students are more likely to join academic/non-academic organizations if they are not members of fraternities/ sororities