HomeTIP Quezon City Research Journalvol. 5 no. 1 (2008)

An Analysis Of Test Item Pool In Selected Subjects In College Of Business Education

James Paul P. Ignacio



In Technological Institute of the Philippines, it has been observed that departmental examinations were administered before each semester ends. These had been conducted to measure the mastery of the students on the learning objectives of a certain course.

The main purpose of this study is to develop multiple-choice type of tests to be used as the item pool for the Final Departmental Examination on Accounting, Economics, and Marketing subjects in the College of Business Education.

Item analysis focuses on the tests item difficulty, item discrimination, and effectiveness of distracters. The content validity and tests reliability were determined.

The examinations for Fundamentals of Accounting (ACCTG 106) and Economics, Land Reform and Taxation (ECO 003) had less content validity. Since large part, of the topics were not included in the test of ACCTG 106, the test may assess only some of the learning outcomes. The ECO 003 test may assess only the learning objectives of the topics covered by the final period. The Principles of Marketing (MK 123) had moderate content validity because it assessed only the learning objectives from the topics covered in the prelim and midterm peri ods. Many items in the examinations for the three subjects, ACCTG 106, ECO 003, and MK 123, were average and difficult. Only few items were very easy or very difficult.

A large part of the items for each test were discriminating, and small part of not dis criminating items. Yet there were numbers of questionable items. More than 75% were the test items for ACCTG 106 needed to be, rejected Almost, half of the items were needed to be revised.

The distractors for the retained items in the test of the three tests were good enough. Including the distractors of the items needed to be revised, it meant the revision should be done on the questions.

Then ACCTG 106 test is Very Good for a classroom test, while, the ECO 003 and MK 123 tests were both Excellent. Even though many items should be rejected from the test for the three subjects, the reliability of the tests were still of the same degree.