HomeTilamsikvol. 8 no. 2 (2016)

Gender – Linked Relational Aggression in Childhood and Adolescent Contexts: A Review

Rene P. Zubieto



The study of relational aggression on a person’s development has been an emerging concern. Across all phases of development, it is noticeable that aggressive behavior among children and adolescents exists and is linked with gender. This article provides a cursory look at the investigations done on gender-linked relational aggression both among children and adolescents. Utilizing selected local and foreign studies available, the paper looks at the theoretical perspectives employed in the investigation of relational aggression. Further, the methods used on how this type of aggression is discussed. Lastly, it encourages sustained interest on future investigations in relational aggression, left unexamined in the early, middle and late childhood. In essence, this initiative may consequently produce new sets of thinking, concepts and modes of prevention necessary in theory-building and research in the field of developmental psychology.