HomeAugustinianvol. 22 no. 1 (2021)

Organizational Empowerment and Intervention Style of School Heads in the Second Congressional District of the Province of Iloilo, Philippines

John Paul J. Petrola | Roberto F. Oberio, Jr.



This descriptive research aimed to determine the organizational empowerment and intervention style of school heads in the Department of Education in the province of Iloilo. In this study, there were 271 selected school heads and 84 teachers’ participants using two-stage random sampling. Mean, rank and standard deviation were employed as descriptive statistical tools. Results showed that in the second congressional district of the province of Iloilo, school heads were highly empowered in all factors of organizational empowerment as perceived by the participants. Also, in terms of intervention style, this study revealed that the dominant authoritative intervention style among school heads was confronting intervention (CO) which was rated as highly confronting; while, their dominant facilitative intervention style was supportive intervention (SU) which was rated as highly supportive. Thus, the paper recommended that school heads should continue to collaborate with their teachers and other stakeholders in order to sustain the high school performance and best practices.


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